Atlantisz: A Krím félsziget a jégkorszakbeli Atlantisz része volt?

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Atlantisz klub vezetője

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Szeretettel köszöntelek a Atlantisz klub közösségi oldalán!

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Atlantisz klub vezetője

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Szeretettel köszöntelek a Atlantisz klub közösségi oldalán!

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Atlantisz klub vezetője

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Szeretettel köszöntelek a Atlantisz klub közösségi oldalán!

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Atlantisz klub vezetője

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"there was a mountain not very high on any side." ~Plato


The City of Atlantis, as it is today!

The epic adventure of Atlantis Motherland proclaims that the magnificent temples, palaces and fountains of Atlantis once stood on Mithridat Hill in southern Ukraine, on the northern shore of the Black Sea. According to Flying Eagle and Whispering Wind, authors of the Atlantis Motherland book, it was from this lookout point, that the Kings of Atlantis ruled their vast empire. These visionary atlantologists present evidence suggesting that long ages before the founding of ancient Egypt (Kemet) and Sumer, the first foundation stones of civilization were hewn on Mithridat Hill. From this one spot on Earth, almost forty thousand years ago, civilization began spreading around the entire world.

Today, Mithridat Hill, also called Mount Mithridat, stands as a landmark that can be seen from everywhere in the industrial port-city of Kerch, Crimea, Ukraine. The hilltop provides a commanding view of the surrounding fertile plains, sparkling seas and majestic mountains. The Atlantis Motherland project presents substantial evidence that Mount Mithridat is the location of the ancient city of Atlantis. The physical features of Mithridat Hill display amazing similarities to the features of the hill where Atlantis was founded, as described in the classic Greek writing’s called The Dialogues of Plato.

The Atlantis Motherland Project presents evidence supporting the truth of ancient sacred Egyptian records, which Solon transcribed into an Atlantis Code, contained within The Dialogues of Plato, called Timaeus and Critias. The entire history, geography, cultural development and catastrophic destruction of Atlantis are recorded in these sacred texts. If these ancient writings are proven true, these fascinating documents are, by far and away, the oldest written records of our human history!


Mithridat Hill, the Cradle of Civilization

The Atlantis Motherland book reveals that Atlantis was founded on a hill by the side of the sea, called Mithridat Hill. The epic saga of Atlantis begins with an ancient love affair. A primal earthborn maiden called out to the cosmos for help to save her tribe. A powerful god answered her melodious plea and instantly they fell in love. In the shelter of a natural rock cave on Mithridat Hill, on a soft warm pallet of mammoth skins, by flickering firelight, these ancient lovers planted the seed of a new tribe (modern Humans).

The area surrounding Mithridat Hill was the perfect place for the new tribe to flourish. This area exactly matches the description of Atlantis as recorded by Plato. To the north of Mithridat Hill, lay a vast well-watered fertile plain, ready for their descendants to cultivate. To the south lay a giant fresh-water sea. A wide variety of plants and animals, all essential minerals, metals, fuels and building stones were readily available for the use of their offspring. Abundant rivers were ready to utilize for canal building. Sweet rich mineral springs flowed with abundance and hot mineral springs were an inviting oasis for bathing and relaxation. From this primal paradise, civilization began spreading across the face of the Earth.

During the passing millennia, the Empire of Atlantis flourished and prospered, and was able to rebound from the inevitable eras of chaos and decline. Her powers of endurance and re-generation arose from the natural abundance of her land, which had been enhanced by the original architects of Atlantis. The early Atlantians excavated an incredible ditch around the entire fertile plain, north of Kerch. This encircling ditch created the Island of Atlantis. The island was then furrowed into farmlands, checkered with canals.

The successive generations of the Kings of Atlantis added to the magnificence of the city of Atlantis, making it a glory to behold. Provinces were established around the Black Sea and wealthy villages were constructed in the mountains and along the seashore, beneath the backdrop of majestic cliffs.


"and the surrounding mountains were filled with wealthy villages" ~Plato


Photo by: Tatikprice


The Precipitous Cliffs of Atlantis

Today, the precipitous cliffs of Atlantis still stand with splendid grandeur; as sentinels guarding our ancient motherland. The Crimean cliffs line the seashore of the Black Sea on the southern Crimean Peninsula. The sacred transcripts of Atlantis describe "precipitous cliffs" along the southern shore of Atlantis. From ancient times, kings and queens, potentates and wealthy travelers have visited the famous palaces, health resorts and spas, located along the southern coast of Atlantis. They came here to enjoy the abundantly flowing hot and cold healing mineral springs, volcanic mud baths and breath-taking scenery.


Southeastern Europe; home of mysterious ancient kingdoms.

Today, Atlantis Motherland in a treasure trove of archeological sites. The lands north of Mithridat Hill have been occupied by many ancient civilizations, with exotic names such as, Cimmerians, Trypillians, Scythians, Sarmatians, and Amazons. Magical, mystical names that conger up visions of the epic adventures of ancient gods, goddesses and heroes.

Herodotus describes the lands of Scythia as very fertile with an abundance of rivers and numerous exotic tribes, such as the peaceful Argippaeans, the blue-eyed Budini, the communal Agathyrsi, the equality-minded Issedonians and the Enarees, described as androgynous soothsayers and healers.

The Greek hero, Heracles (Hercules) has many adventures north of the Black Sea. According to Greek myths, Heracles establishes the Scythian race by making love with a serpent-woman. Scythian legends claim that fabulous golden treasures "fell from sky."

In Homer's Odyssey, the enchanting goddess Circe (Kirke, Kirike) helped Odysseus cross the “deep running ocean” and arrive on the shores of the land of the Kimmerians. Achilles, the hero of the Trojan War, was born on the coast of the Cimmerian Bosphorus (Kerch Strait). Apollonius of Rhodes, in his epic poem Argonautica, tells the tale of Jason and the Argonauts sailing across the Black Sea to seize the Golden Fleece. Charles Kingsley's writes, The Argonauts "came to the slope of Caucasus, where it sinks into the sea; and to the narrow Cimmerian Bosphorus (Kerch Strait), where the Titan swam across upon the bull; and thence into the lazy waters of the still Mæotid lake (Sea of Azov)."


Photo by: John Webber


Land of the Tauri (the Bull)

When the Greeks began building Panticapeium upon Mithridat Hill, the Tauri were already the inhabitants of the southern Crimean Mountains and shoreline. They gave their name to the Crimean peninsula, which was known in ancient times as Taurica, Taurida or Tauris. They inherited their cultural reverence for the Bull from Atlantis, where the sacred Bulls roamed free in the temples in the Citadel, on the central island.

Herodotus describes the Tauri as living "entirely off of war and plundering." A bias label, for the Tauri were actually freedom-fighters, defending their Motherland from the invasions of colonists and treasure hunters from Greece and Anatolia (Turkey).

Today, the Tau’ri (Tauri) is the fictional name for all humans born on planet Earth, in the popular Stargate television series. In the Stargate series the word "Tau'ri" literally means "the first ones" or “those of first world.” The Ori on the Stargate SG-1 are a group of "ascended" humans who use their advanced technology and spiritual knowledge of the universe to trick non-ascended humans into worshiping them as gods. Historically, the land of the Tauri is also known as Oriana.


In other modern fictional tales, Cimmeria was the homeland of the ancient hero, Conan the Barbarian. Jean M. Auel introduced a fictionalized ice age civilization in southern Ukraine and Russia, in her wildly popular novel, The Clan of the Cave Bear. Could the great interest in this ancient land be inspired by impressions from psychogenetic memories of Atlantis?


Atlantis, an Ice Age Civilization

Atlantis was a thriving ice age civilization. The Atlantis transcripts describe primal Atlantis as an abundantly fertile plain, "sheltered from the Northern blasts." Many long generations of plowers had furrowed the Atlantian fields before the first furrow was turned in the Middle East. The first foundation stones of Atlantis were hewn far back in the mists of time, when primitive earthborn men and women inhabited the beautiful mountains and plains surrounding Mithridat Hill.

Címkék: atlantisz krím



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